Monday, October 7, 2013

Kratom extract: by Dryad Druid

This article is going to go over the specifics of Kratom Extracts.
Kratom Extract
Plainly put, Kratom Extracts are a highly concentrated form of the Kratom Powder plant material. These Kratom Extracts can be made several ways and depending on which plain leaf strain the Kratom Extract is made from determines what the extract does and how it affects you and whatever plain leaf you enhance with it.

To make a Kratom Extract, a vendor (or plantation owner that supplies the Kratom Powder) selects a plain leaf powder and either boils it down to make a resin or dehydrates the moisture out completely giving you a highly concentrated fine powder grind.

As stated in a previous article, the Kratom Plant material can come in several different grinds. You have the loose leaf grind, which is nothing more than crushed stem and leaves of the plant. The next is the plain leaf or Kratom powder grind. This is often a granulated powder form that many Kratom Therapists place in either a pulped fruit juice or brew tea out of. The final grind is a Fine Kratom Powder grind. This grind is unmistakable by its soft talcum powder like feel and the absence of stem matter that can be seen in the granulated powder form. The Fine Powder grind should be administered when an individual has had experience in Kratom Therapy since the lack of stem matter can often intensify a session. The lack of stem material can also lead to higher tolerances with the Kratom Plant.

Briefly put, tolerance is an issue regarding Kratom Therapy. The higher you build your tolerance, the harder it is to bring it back down. Those who are Kratom aficionados often take sabbaticals from their Kratom Therapy sessions to help keep their tolerance at a minimum. Kratom Extracts can raise this tolerance as well and the Kratom Extract should be administered with caution because of this.

Depending on what plain leaf powder you use will determine what the Kratom Extract does. It should be noted that simply doing a Kratom Extract by itself does nothing more than give you a quick intense therapy session that immediately raises your tolerance. It is because of this that vendors use the Kratom Extracts in plain leaf blends to enhance them.

To go over from a previous article, there are three strains the Kratom Plant offers.
Kraton Tree
You have the White Vein that promotes energy, mental stimulation, and euphoria.
White Vein Kratom Leaf
The Red Vein usually brings notes of relaxation and sedation to the therapy “table”.
Red Vein Kratom
And lastly, the Green Vein denotes to be the middle of the road on all aspects of the Kratom Plant.
Green Vein Kratom
Green veins are usually administered to Kratom beginners because of how easy it is on the stomach. Some Kratom Therapists note a bit of nausea and it is due to how difficult the plant can be on the human digestive system.  The strain color is determined by the vein of the leaf on the underside of the plant.

Following suit to the parent strain they are made from, Kratom Extracts that are made from a specific vein color are simply a concentrated form of what that strain does. The Kratom Extracts themselves vary in color. They can be earthy rust brown to a bright golden hue, so if you are curious as to which strain your Kratom Extract comes from, ask your vendor to verify. Looking at a Kratom Extract won’t be able to tell you where it came from.

For instance, if your Kratom Extract is made from White Vein Borneo (primarily one of the most energetic strains there are) then the Kratom Extract is going to be highly energetic. If you find “lightly enhanced” or “enhanced” blends that state this kind of extract, you can speculate that blend to be HIGHLY energetic. Those that are already susceptible to a white vein strain or to caffeine should stay away from these blends as these are often described as “jittery”. (Think two cups of espresso jittery.) Those that have a weak stomach constitution should also stay away from these kinds of blends. One of the side effects can be nausea.

Most Kratom Extracts, however, aren’t made from Green Vein strains simply because of the neutrality with their therapy effects. Master Blenders that use Green Veins in their blends, do so to extend the life of what they want that blend to do. Since making Kratom Extracts is costly and time consuming, making one out of a Green Strain is neither financially sound nor using comprehensive judgment in time management. That isn’t to say that you can’t make a Kratom Extract with a green strain. It simply isn’t common practice.

Kratom Extracts are why the media has turned a negative eye toward the plant in general. It is easily obtainable to teenagers and they are taking high Kratom Dosage amounts to achieve opiate like effects. To state, it would take an extreme high amount of Kratom Extract and even higher amounts of Plain Leaf Powder to achieve these effects. Getting any kind of opiate like effects would be painfully expensive and there would be no guarantee that the effects would be achieved with the Kratom Therapy session, in higher dosages, because of the tolerance ceiling the plant has. To reiterate, the human body no longer gains any benefit after a certain dosage. Extreme nausea and vomiting are usually accompanied at extreme high dosages and the person would simply be wasting their money trying to achieve what the media claims.

To date, there are no documented deaths while on a Kratom Only Therapy regiment. To clarify, the deaths associated with this plant were due to the individuals having other pharmaceuticals or street drugs in their system. Kratom, by itself, has never caused this. This claim is backed by thousands of years’ worth of data being used in Asian Medicine. The novelty of this plant being used in western culture started the media mongering and the push to have the plant (cousin to the coffee tree) banned.

Those that do start a Kratom Extract therapy, usually do so because of having a high tolerance already in place. This can be due to coming clean from street drugs or coming off of a prescription pain killing regiment/therapy. Pain Management Clinics are only just starting to tap into the years of knowledge this plant has, and administering it to their pain patients.

To quickly recap, several vendors have tested their knowledge in creating something called a Plain Leaf Blend. This simply takes two or more different strains and blends them together to give you a more well-rounded therapy session. Since most Kratom Therapists utilize this plant in more than one area, the needs of the therapists can be met with a blend. They come in a variety of combinations and most vendors give a brief description on what the blend does. The blends can either contain only white strains, only green strains, only red strains, or a combination of the three. It greatly depends on what the Master Blender wants the blend to do that will determine which strains they use.

Most of the alkaloids in each of the color strains work well with each other. Some, however, do not and this is why some vendors hire a Master Blender to take the guess work (and expense) off of their customer so all that is left is a positive Kratom Therapy Session.

By placing a Kratom Extract into a plain leaf blend, or a plain leaf powder, you are placing the blend (or powder) into a new category. Some vendors clearly mark which blends are “enhanced”. The Leaping Leaf has two varieties of powders that have added a Kratom Extract. They are “Lightly Enhanced” (which uses only a small amount of Kratom Extract in ratio to the plain leaf strains added) and “Super Enhanced” (the ratio of Kratom Extract is higher than the Lightly Enhanced blends). If the Super Enhanced blends aren’t meeting your current needs, and for some they don’t, experienced Kratom Therapists add their own Kratom Extract to suit their Optimum Kratom Dosage Level.

Therapists that utilize Kratom Extracts usually place a small amount in a plain leaf powder or a plain leaf blend, to enhance the strain(s) properties and extend the life of the therapy session. As stated, Green Strains do this as well, but some individuals feel that the green strains aren’t enough or suitable to their current needs. Since the Kratom Extract is a concentrated form of Kratom anyway, a little bit goes a long way.

If you feel that you have added too much Kratom Extract to your plain leaf powder or plain leaf blend, simply reduce the Kratom Dosage you would normally administer to yourself during your Kratom Therapy Session. Or if the Kratom is already in your system, as stated in a previous article, eating a meal heavy in carbohydrates or dairy can lessen, or even eliminate, the Kratom Therapy effects. If you have eliminated the Kratom Therapy effects, simply wait an hour or two after your meal and start again.


  1. Thankyou for the information. The quality of the kratom depends on the alkaloid content of its leaves, which can vary significantly between each batch. Read more at:Exit-5

  2. Some are concerned that using kratom can actually cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms. This is simply not true. While atom can be addictive, this does not mean that it will necessarily do this to you. Get detailed info about kratom for sale on this web.
